SUPPORT FUNDING FOR HEAD START Whereas, The mission statement of the Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native
Sisterhood includes the enhancing of our cultural resources and advocacy for our youth,
because they are our future; and 2019-02_Support Funding for Headstart_re[...] Adobe Acrobat document [104.2 KB]
CREATE ANB/ANS AD HOC COMMITTEE ON PEACEMAKING CIRCLES WHEREAS, The mission of the Alaska Native Brotherhood and the Alaska Native Sisterhood
Grand Camp is to better the lives of Native people and their families; to continue the fight for
civil rights and land rights of all Native people; to share the cultural knowledge, wisdom, and
artistic beauty of Native Tribal Societies and strive for a spirit of Brotherhood and Sisterhood
among all people; and 2019-05_Create committee on Peacemaking [...] Adobe Acrobat document [109.0 KB]
Oppose removing LGBQT protections WHEREAS, the current Executive branch has promised to protect the rights of all citizens; and
WHERAS, the current Executive branch intends to remove nondiscrimination protections for the
LGBQT community by adding religious exemptions to a 2014 Executive Order signed by then
President Obama that prevented discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity;
and 19-06_Oppose removing LGBQT protections.[...] Adobe Acrobat document [106.0 KB]
Support Violence Against Women Act WHEREAS, The US House of Representatives approved HR 1518 to renew the Violence
Against Women Act 19-09_Support Violence Against Women Act[...] Adobe Acrobat document [104.3 KB]
REQUEST COMMERCIAL HERRING FISHING MORATORIUM WHEREAS, The Sitka Sound herring stock is the last population of herring within the State of
Alaska that provides a viable subsistence harvest of herring eggs that are shared throughout
Alaska and the lower forty-eight states since the other herring fisheries in Alaska have collapsed;
and 2019-11_Request commercial herring fishi[...] Adobe Acrobat document [151.0 KB]
OPPOSE PEBBLE MINE WHEREAS, The Bristol Bay red salmon run – the largest such run in the world – is a
fishery valued at $1.5 billion annually and supports 14,000 jobs and
thousands of private users from all over the nation; and 2019-12_Oppose Pebble Mine.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [143.4 KB]
REQUEST NO FURTHER CUTS TO MARINE HIGHWAY FUNDING WHEREAS, The Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) serves 33 Alaska ports
and provides reliable basic transportation for individuals and freight transportation
unsusceptible to weather conditions for necessary supplies to the 27 communities
not connected to a road system; and 2019-14_Request No Further Cuts to Marin[...] Adobe Acrobat document [183.5 KB]
STOP CRUISE SHIP DUMPING WHEREAS, The Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood Grand Camp represent
hundreds of members. ANB/ANS’s mission is to better the lives of Native people and their
families and to continue the fight for civil rights and land rights of all Native peoples; and 2019-15_Stop Cruise Ship Dumping.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [136.6 KB]
TEACH ELIZABETH PERATROVICH IN SCHOOLS WHEREAS, Since 1989, Elizabeth Peratrovich has been honored in Alaska on
February 16, the day in 1945 when her testimony helped to pass Alaska’s AntiDiscrimination bill in the Territorial Legislature. However, there is no requirement
that Alaska schools teach students about this Alaska Native civil rights hero; and 2019-16_Teach Elizabeth Peratrovich in s[...] Adobe Acrobat document [158.5 KB]
OPPOSE COMMERCIAL HARVESTING OF BLACK SEAWEED WHEREAS, Black seaweed is harvested for personal use by residents of southeast
Alaskan communities; and 2019-17_Oppose Commercial Seaweed Harves[...] Adobe Acrobat document [131.2 KB]
SUPPORT RE-ENTRY PROGRAMS FOR EX-PRISONERS WHEREAS, The State of Alaska recidivism rate is 66.41% with more than 900
individuals released monthly, a successful reentry will provide former offenders
the opportunity to support themselves in a stable sober living environment and
access to substance abuse treatment; and 2019-20_Support reentry program for ex-p[...] Adobe Acrobat document [166.8 KB]
OPPOSE BC MINING NEAR RIVERS TO ALASKA WHEREAS, The mission of the Alaska Native Brotherhood/Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANB/ANS)
is to better the lives of Native people and their families and to continue the fight for civil rights
and land rights of all Native peoples; and 2019-21_Oppose BC Mining Near Rivers to [...] Adobe Acrobat document [156.7 KB]
Request Schools teach Indigenous Languages WHEREAS, systems of education in Alaska have spent many decades discouraging the use of
indigenous languages; and
WHEREAS, each indigenous language has tremendous human value, with vocabulary, diction,
grammar, and rhetoric that reflects a distinct worldview, developed and preserved by many
generations; and 19-23_Schools Teach Indigenous Language.[...] Adobe Acrobat document [152.7 KB]
Protection of Sitka Herring Stock WHEREAS, We strongly support Sitka’s last year’s Resolution, #18-16, to ‘Protect Sitka Sound Herring
Stock’; and 2019-24_Protection of Sitka Herring Stoc[...] Adobe Acrobat document [151.3 KB]
Support for MMIW WHEREAS, The astronomical numbers of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women across the
United States is a public health and humanitarian crises. 2019-26_Support for MMIW.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [104.4 KB]
SUPPORT FIVE LANDLESS COMMUNITIES TO RECEIVE ANCSA LANDLESS BENEFITS WHEREAS, In 1971 the United States Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) to recognize and settle the aboriginal claims of Alaska Natives to their traditional homelands by authorizing the establishment of Alaska Native Corporations to receive and manage lands and funds awarded in settlement of the claims for Alaska Natives; and 2019-30 Landless communities.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [149.4 KB]