Upholding the Indian Child Welfare Act WHEREAS, On October 4, 2018 a Texas U.S. District Judge failed to follow the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in an adoption of a tribal child on the basis that ICWA discriminates against non-Natives; and Resolution_18-01.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [147.6 KB]
Recommend increased Alaska Marine Highway systm service to Sitka WHEREAS, The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Central Council) is a Federally recognized tribe with more than 30,000 tribal citizens; and Resolution_18-02.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [147.1 KB]
Protect Transboundary RIvers WHEREAS, The transboundary rivers of the Northwest British Columbia and Southeast Alaska region, including the Taku, Stikine and Unuk rivers, are of tremendous and unique ecological, cultural, and recreational value and are some of the most productive salmon rivers on the entire North American west coast; and, Resolution_18-03.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [147.0 KB]
Promoting Local Hire WHEREAS, The mission of the Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) and the Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) to better the lives of Native people and their families prompts us to encourage gainful employment; and Resolution_18-04.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [145.6 KB]
18-05 attachment: Executive Order 14-01 “Policies and Procedures for Grand Camp and its member Entities reimbursement or payment” Resolution_18-05_Exec_Order_14-01.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [145.7 KB]
Strengthen Financial Policies and Procedures WHEREAS, Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) and Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) financial policies and procedures were introduced in October 2014 as Executive Order 14-01 which was not adopted and may not adequately incorporate current recommended financial best practices for organizations; and Resolution_18-05_Strengthen_Financial_Po[...] Adobe Acrobat document [141.7 KB]
Reauthorization of Violence Against Womaen Act WHEREAS, We have some of the highest crime rates in Alaska, in the villages; and, Resolution_18-08.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [152.6 KB]
Support for Missing and Murdered American Native Women WHEREAS, Of the twelve women murdered in the State of Alaska to date in 2018, 64% were Native Alaskan women; and Resolution_18-09.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [146.3 KB]
Quit separating minors from asylum seeker parents WHEREAS, The current Executive branch policy is to separate children from their parents or legal guardians who are asylum seekers or have illegal status and to establish a tent city for minors who crossed the border alone; Resolution_18-10.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [149.9 KB]
Waste and WWaste Water Discharges by Cruise Ships WHEREAS, waste and waste water discharges from cruise vessels and their effects on the ecosystem were studied by Team Data from Juneau Douglas High School, where students conducted a comprehensive study and provided much of the data below; and Resolution_18-11.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [151.3 KB]
Teach Alaska Native History in Alaska's Public Schools WHEREAS, The Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB), formed in 1912, and the Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS), organized in 1915, led the way to obtaining for the Alaska Native people the right to vote and the right to go to public schools. ANB and ANS also filed the first land claims for Natives which led to ANCSA and the 12 regional corporations as well as village and urban corporations; and Resolution_18-12.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [150.8 KB]
Support the formation of Traditional Knowledge Bearers WHEREAS, The scientific community acknowledges the environment is experiencing severe climactic changes throughout this country, and these severe changes are catastrophic in Alaska; and Resolution_18-13.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [147.0 KB]
Support Continued Funding for Landscape Conservations Cooporatives (LCC) in the Northwest and Alaska WHEREAS, The Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) and Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) have continually supported the work of tribes in Alaska and elsewhere in promoting environmental work to promote a healthy environment; and Resolution_18-14.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [137.9 KB]
Request that Grand Camp appoint a Historian WHEREAS, There is no continuous record or longstanding inventory of the Grand Camp properties that are put on display during the annual ANB/ANS Grand Camp convention; and Resolution_18-15.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [139.4 KB]
Protect Sitka Sound Herring Stock WHEREAS, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, addressing Alaska Native claims to ownership of Alaska’s lands, based on “aboriginal use and occupancy”; and Resolution_18-16.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [145.6 KB]
Supporting the Efforts of the Southeast Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC) WHEREAS, The Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) and the Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) are the oldest known indigenous persons’ civil rights organizations in the world; and Resolution_18-17._Corrected.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [426.8 KB]
Reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) WHEREAS, The Violence Against Women Act is set to expire December 7, 2018; and Resolution_18-19.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [163.1 KB]
Congress must finally recognize Landless Southeast Alaska Communities WHEREAS, The Southeast Alaska Native communities of Haines, Ketchikan, Petersburg, Tenakee Springs, and Wrangell were not provided the authority under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA) to form Native corporations nor receive land as did the other 188 Native communities, Resolution_18-22.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [147.6 KB]
Requesting the formations of ANB and ANS Landless Ad Hoc Committee WHEREAS, Under Article II of our Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) and Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) Constitution and Bylaws, the stated mission of the ANB and the ANS is to better the lives of Native people and their families; to fight for civil rights and land rights for all Native people; to share the cultural knowledge, wisdom, and artistic beauty of Native tribal societies; and to strive for a spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood among all people; and Resolution_18-23.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [142.2 KB]