Alaska Native Brotherhood Grand Camp
Alaska NativeBrotherhood Grand Camp

Historic Conventions

1927 Angoon Convention -  The ANB voted to allow the ANS full voting priviledges during this Historic Convention.  Photo from the private collection of Executive Committee Woman Ethel Lund.

In the Klukwan Convention in 1926 the Sisters requested a vote.  The matter was tabled.  The following is from the 1927 Angoon Convention minutes:


Monday, November 14, 1927, Second Session, - 2:00 PM

Meeting called to order by President Sam G. Davis.  Brotherhood song by the convention and audience.

Invocation by Geo. McKay of Saxman.

“The right to vote of the Sisterhood.”  Question of the Sisterhood voting at the Brotherhood meetings.  Remarks by William L. Paul, L.F. Paul also makes remarks on the same subjects, who speaks favorably toward letting our Sisters vote as we call them our backbone.

Louis F. Paul makes motion that the Sisters have a right to vote at our Grand Camp Conventions, Second by Andrew Hope.

Mr. Paul states that the movement will affect Article III of the Constitution of the Alaska Native Brotherhood.  Mr. Paul suggested the Article III will have to be amended to include the Sisterhood.


1930 Ketchikan Convention - Group photo of ANS.  Photo from the private collection of Executive Committee Woman Ethel Lund.

Ethel Lund's private collection - "Unknown Convention"

2012 Sitka Grand Camp -- 100th Anniversary of ANB

Grand President Dennis Demmert addresses Sitka Delegates
1st Grand Vice President Eric Morrison describes panel with Executive Committee Man Al McKinley

2013 Yakutat Grand Camp Convention

Yakutat Dancers at ANB Hall
Bill Martin installed for another term as Grand President in Yakutat

2014 Petersburg Grand Camp Convention

Newly elected Grand Officers
Delegates reviewing efforts

2015 Wrangell Grand Convention

2016 Juneau Grand Convention

2017 Columbia River, Portland Grand Convention

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Alaska Native Brotherhood Alaska Native Sisterhood Grand Camp


P.O. Box 21015

Juneau, AK 99801

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